I'm Lysandre, french editor, hobbyist toy photographer and writer.

I've always had an interest in the internet and online communities. Feel free to say hi!I am a passionate DNAngel fan and my interests include bujo, books and more. Can't wait to finally learn crochet!
My toy photography account is dedicated to an adorable Nendoroid of Shirotani Tadaomi from Ten Count.

art by Tiramewsu

Toy Photography

Meet Shiro, an adorable Nendoroid figure, on his Instagram travels and discoveries!
ShiroNendo is a fun project to practice photography and notice beauty in ordinary environments.


Fan Projects

Nothing can stop a fan with Photoshop, inDesign, social media and too many ideas. Enjoy this wide variety of creations!

DNAngel Online Projects 
Bonds FanzineA free zine focussing on bonds tying DNAngel characters together, featuring 14 artists and writers
DNUnofficialNews, fanworks and more currated daily on Twitter
[ Elm Root ]A Commissioner Hiwatari fansite
Wander&MeddleA creative project on Twitter featuring Niwa Kosuke and Hiwatari Kei, with the amazing Fugitivehues
fyeahiwatarikeiA Commissioner Hiwatari-centric reference and RP blog on Tumblr
UnveilingDespairA Commissioner Hiwatari aesthetic blog on Tumblr
Graphics & Art 
ArtOriginal art and fanart
Creative EditsManga panels getting cleaned, twisted, recoloured, rearranged, mercilessly tortured for beauty

DNAngel Fanfictions Masterlist

I have been writing DNAngel fanfictions for years: ideas and universes, scattered on several platforms and blogs, are finally reunited and classified on this page.
Please note that I spoil the manga without a second thought, read at your own risk if you're not caught up.

Before the bill ◦ Collaboration with Fugitivehues ◦ (Hiwatari Satoshi, Hiwatari Kei, Niwa Kosuke…)Satoshi would have had a nice birthday, if his father hadn't shown up to bring him out for dinner. To add to his misery, more unexpected guests waited, eager to save him from the horror of a peaceful meal.
In a Dim Corner, at Night ◦ (Hiwatari Kei, Hiwatari Satoshi)A hidden silhouette, unable to move, unable to take care of itself… Cold paternal care is unwanted but necessary.
Hallucination ◦ Collaboration with Fugitivehues ◦ (Hiwatari Satoshi, Hiwatari Kei)A feverish Satoshi wakes up after troubled sleep and realises that someone is in his apartment.
Balance ◦ (Hiwatari Kei, Krad)The curse and the father negociate their future relationship and common need for Satoshi to live.
Annoyance ◦ Collaboration with Fugitivehues ◦ (Inspector Saehara…)Another horrible day at work for everyone's favourite grumpy middle-aged cop.
Suspense ◦ Collaboration with Fugitivehues ◦ (Inspector Saehara…)Dark has announced another heist and Saehara is ready to save the APD's honour.
Love ◦ Collaboration with Fugitivehues ◦ (Inspector Saehara, Mrs Saehara)Here we go again… As his wife is shopping for new clothes, Saehara tries to survive boredom and neon light.
A Valentine Morning ◦ Collaboration with Fugitivehues ◦ (Mrs Saehara, Inspector Saehara)On a certain February, sunlight wakes Ayane Saehara up; maybe time for a cuddling session with her husband before the day begins.
Movie Premiere ◦ Collaboration with Fugitivehues ◦ (Saga Keiji, Funabashi)The talented movie director, eager to prove his talent, attends a festival with his assistant.
The Path within the Mountain ◦ (Hiwatari Kei, Inspector Saehara)Kei runs after Saehara to stop him from ruining this night's intervention, but the reason behind the man's action are more than convincing.
Cage ◦ (Argentine, Qualia)Confined in a tower, Argentine waits patiently for the day he'll be able to finalise the other artwork trapped with him.
Park ◦ Collaboration with Fugitivehues ◦ (OC Kobayashi)Dark's presence has been confirmed in the Azumano Joyland amusement park and the APD is ready to intervene.
Office ◦ Collaboration with Fugitivehues ◦ (Hiwatari Kei…)Officials ask the APD's Commissioner to investigate on what caused the chaotic evening in Azumano Joyland.
Sports Day ◦ (Hiwatari Kei…)Kept awake by bad dreams, Kei takes his video tapes out and revisits precious memories of his son.
Shard ◦ Collaboration with Fugitivehues ◦ (Manismare, Baku)Manismare grows weaker, and the collage that lives with her still seems to be eager to make a special and powerful guest enter their fragile world…
Order & Chaos ◦ Written for the Bonds fanzine ◦ (Baku, Towa, Argentine)If Towa and Argentine follow a quiet status quo, Baku is eager to support Daisuke. But assisting his tamer in the Niwa family's ultimate quest first requires convincing the other artworks that they can help too!
Jubilation ◦ Collaboration with Fugitivehues ◦ (Krad)Krad finally has control of Satoshi's body.
Melancholy ◦ Collaboration with FugitivehuesInhabitants of Azumano wake up changed after the one of the town's historical bell towers collapsed…
Terror ◦ Collaboration with Fugitivehues ◦ (Argentine)Argentine feels his strength leaving him and slowly realises he's breaking.
Ancestral Night ◦ Collaboration with Fugitivehues ◦ (Niwa Emiko, Hikari Rio)A young Emiko, eager to get first-hand thief experience, is about to commit a heist when someone unexpected appears.
◦ Prompt game ◦ “Are you afraid of me?” ◦ (Hikari Rio, Hiwatari Kei)Rio wakes up at night and finds a weirdo in the corridor.
◦ Prompt game ◦ “You know how I feel.” ◦ (Hikari Rio, Hiwatari Kei)She can't avoid it anymore. To move on as a person, as an adult, Rio needs to take care of her late mother's belongings.
The Time Spent Together ◦ Collaboration with Fugitivehues ◦ (Hikari Rio, Hiwatari Kei)For Rio, nothing in the world matters; for Elm Root, she means everything.
Opening Night ◦ Collaboration with Fugitivehues ◦ (Hikari Rio, Hiwatari Kei)Uninvited and curious, Elm Root follows Rio to her first event as a professional illustrator, a world quite different from what he is used to.
Impressions ◦ Collaboration with Fugitivehues ◦ (Hikari Rio, Hiwatari Kei)As a relaxed Rio is focussing on work, Elm Root joyfully rants about an upcoming journey together.
◦ Prompt game ◦ “You love me, don’t you?” ◦ (Hikari Rio, Hiwatari Kei)In bed, Rio takes Elm Root by surprise with a very personal question.
Caduceus ◦ Collaboration with Fugitivehues ◦ (Hikari Rio, Hiwatari Kei)At last, Rio has made her decision and works relentlessly on the Black Wings… at the detriment of her physical health.
◦ Prompt game ◦ “I thought this was what you wanted?” ◦ (Hikari Rio, Hiwatari Kei)Now that Rio and “Kei” have decided on their plans regarding Rio's son and his future, the man has to refrain from going to events with her, a frustrating new distance.
◦ Prompt game ◦ “I love you but nothing changes” ◦ (Hikari Rio, Hiwatari Kei)A lovey-dovey Kei fails to move an inflexible Rio.
Mirage ◦ (Hikari Rio, Hiwatari Kei)About to leave Rio's side for good after Satoshi's birth, Kei tries one last time to convince her to let him stay longer.
Three Months & Three Days ◦ (Hikari Rio, Hiwatari Kei, Hiwatari Satoshi)Can anyone get ready for the death of the most unique person in the world? And Satoshi needs to be taken care of, leaving no room for sadness.
Ghost ◦ (Hiwatari Kei…)In a world of magic and living artworks, is death even possible? Can a beloved woman truly disappear and leave a son behind?
Triptych of Mint and Scales ◦ Collab. with Fugitivehues ◦ (Hiwatari Satoshi, Hikari Rio, Hiwatari Kei)In three different places, at three different points in time, mementos connect Satoshi and his parents.
Fairytale ◦ (Hiwatari Satoshi…)In this illustrated story, a young craftsman goes on a journey to fill the gaping hole in his chest.
Eternal Connection ◦ Collaboration with Fugitivehues ◦ (Niwa Daisuke…)Numerous different persons simultaneously enjoy a brief moment of spring.
Back to the Distant Past 
Dark ◦ Collaboration with Fugitivehues ◦ (Hiwatari Kei)Rules are strict in Master Hikari's household, and the stern robes his apprentices wear are a symbol of their privilege.
Refuse ◦ (Hiwatari Kei, Hikari ancestor)Brought back to life, Elm Root realises that he cannot feel emotions anymore.
◦ Prompt game ◦ “Kei spares someone's life” ◦ (Hiwatari Kei, Manismare)A freshly reborn Elm Root finds the neglected fragments of one his master's formerly beloved masterpieces.
Traces of the Past ◦ (Hiwatari Kei, Krad)Elm Root has witnessed the impossible: humans are massively destroying artworks. Back to the Hikari mansion, he has to convince Krad to stay safe.
Streetlamp ◦ (Hiwatari Kei)Eager to see a precious artwork that has been stolen from him returned, Kei intimidates the useless detective he hired.
◦ Prompt game ◦ “Thank you. You did well.” ◦ (Hiwatari Kei)Kei reflects on how little humans remember from their past, and how ungrateful they are in consequence…
◦ Prompt game ◦ “You make that look easy.” ◦ (Hikari Fukami, Hiwatari Kei)Elm Root tries to approach a young and quite uninterested Fukami at work.
Maid Outfit ◦ Collaboration with Fugitivehues ◦ (Yuu)Yuu cheerfully gets ready before a long day of work.
Child ◦ Collaboration with Fugitivehues ◦ (Niwa Taize & his father)Taize angered his grandfather once again, for having his own life, for wanting freedom.
Shyness ◦ Collaboration with Fugitivehues ◦ (Hikari Fukami)At night, Fukami goes on a furtive quest for milk.
Silence of Solitude ◦ (Niwa Yuu…)The Niwa family enjoys animated dinners and discussions, but following isn’t always easy for Yuu.
Post-canon & Anime Canon 
Malice ◦ (Baku)Post-canon: If you enter the Niwa household and push the doors behind the main stairs, you will find a spectacular collection of artworks… and me.
Tanabata ◦ (Saehara Takeshi, Hiwatari Satoshi…)Post-canon: During a visit to the nearest town to celebrate Tanabata, Satoshi and Takeshi are brought closer by Daisuke's weirdness.
◦ Prompt game ◦ “Someone catches Kei in a vulnerable moment” ◦ (Inspector Saehara…)Post-canon: After his disappearance, Saehara investigates his former boss' belongings.
Archive ◦ Collaboration with Fugitivehues ◦ (Suzaki Yuki, B.)Anime canon: Yuki, professional journalist and meddler, finds a way to investigate on the Cultural Revolution.
Niwa Kosuke & Hiwatari Kei Pair 
Dodge a bullet ◦ Collaboration with FugitivehuesWhile trying to assist his family before a heist, Kosuke's gaze dangerously meets some other man's.
◦ An interrogation inspired by Fugitivehues' fanartRecognising Kosuke's family name, Kei decides to interrogate him personally.
WinterKei and Kosuke meet for the first time in a museum.
The Wooden CeilingDuring the exploration of a strange and mystical place, Kosuke witnesses unexpected manifestations.
A Glimpse ◦ Collaboration with Fugitivehues ◦ (feat. Saehara Takeshi…)During Lunar New Year celebrations in the Niwa household, Kosuke approaches his guests to share a tradition dear to his heart.
◦ Prompt game ◦ “Where will you be on February 14th?”A playful discussion in a café… much to Kosuke's dismay.
Friendship ◦ Collaboration with FugitivehuesTwo fathers on a balcony enjoying an unusually relaxed discussion.
◦ Prompt game ◦ “Someone catches Kei in a vulnerable moment”A wounded Kei and an angry Kosuke…
◦ Prompt game ◦ “I’ll drive you to the hospital.”Kosuke finds himself in charge of an almost unconscious Kei.
◦ Prompt game ◦ “Kei takes revenge on someone for hurting the other”Kei protects Kosuke from a rogue artwork.
◦ Prompt game ◦ “Someone is trying to help but Kei refuses”Kei becomes suspicious when he learns Kosuke is in contact with Satoshi, but the man only had good intentions.
Sleepiness ◦ Collaboration with Fugitivehues ◦ (feat. Niwa Emiko)Emiko's husband is naping softly, bathed in the gorgeous afternoon light… but a parasite is resting on his shoulder!
◦ Prompt game ◦ “I was just thinking about you.”Exhausted by work, Kei "accidentally" encounters Kosuke in a park.
◦ Prompt game ◦ “Maybe you should give up.”Kosuke is getting too absorbed in his researches for Kei's tastes.
◦ A kiss inspired by Fugitivehues' fanartA subtle and sensual moment shared, just the two of them.
◦ Prompt game ◦ “Stay Over”On a warm night, kisses are exchanged and plans backfire.
Pinned against a wall…A tensed moment between a tease and the man tired of his provocations.
TrembleShopping for books, Kosuke and Kei try to be discreetly intimate.
◦ Prompt game ◦ “I should’ve asked you to do this before.” ◦ (feat. Niwa Daisuke)Kei finds out that Kosuke's son is, in fact, talented!
◦ Prompt game ◦ “Go back to sleep.”Kei suddenly wakes up in the middle of the night, much to Kosuke's surprise…
The Dark Side of Your HandKei has lied to Kosuke, about his life, his past, everything. How can a relationship that relies on illusions be fixed? Is there anything to fix?
Weariness ◦ Collaboration with FugitivehuesKidnapped AU: Locked up in a room with no hope but his family, a weakening Kosuke’s only support is Kei.
Respect for the AgedWander & Meddle AU: On a journey to Kyoto after the Black Wings events, the men find evidence that Hikari artworks might be alive.
Dark roses in my hand ◦ Collaboration with FugitivehuesHistorical AU: Kosuke is a travelling herbalist who sells his wares to those who need them… Including a dedicated yet sinister doctor.
Human Blood, Artwork Magic ◦ (Hiwatari Kei, Krad)Murders look bad on police reports, so Kei Hiwatari asks a vampire Krad to refrain… with a tradeoff.
Debunked by Canon: Pre-Part 2 
A Sense of Fulfilment ◦ (Hiwatari Kei)Work harder. Behave properly. Never forget your goal. Self-reflections on the man Kei became, his personality and objectives.
◦ A tie story inspired by Fugitivehues' fanart ◦ (Inspector Saehara, Hiwatari Kei)The day of his first promotion, a young Hiwatari is obviously nervous, bringing Saehara's fatherly instincts out.
Cold Fingers ◦ (Hiwatari Kei, Krad)Unable to get the police commissioner's full attention, Krad tries a forceful method.
Nobody Dies 
Earth and Sky ◦ Collaboration with Fugitivehues ◦ (Qualia, Saehara Takeshi)Qualia, learning how to use her newfound body, lives with Takeshi and his family.
Innocence ◦ Collaboration with Fugitivehues ◦ (Insomnia, Harada Riku)Insomnia hadn’t done anything wrong. They were unfair, all of them. And he was stuck in this specific mirror, with this specific human…
The First Smile of Spring ◦ Collaboration with Fugitivehues ◦ (Hiwatari Kei, Niwa Kosuke…)Spring returns to bring life back to Azumano and its resident, colouring the trees pink and soothing recovering hearts.
Anime Elements, Manga Universe 
Cave ◦ Collaboration with Fugitivehues ◦ (Inspector Saehara…)Under Saehara's watch, several policemen are trapped in the crumbling Temple of Neptune…
There is no friend like a sister ◦ Collaboration with Fugitivehues ◦ (Mio Hio, Hiwatari Kei)Brought back to life by the Azumano police commissioner, Mio realises she knows him from a distant past life.
Meadow ◦ Collaboration with Fugitivehues ◦ (Niwa Kosuke, Hiwatari Kei)What if Kosuke’s Rutile of Grief could already resonate with the original during his journey?
Cursed Weapon ◦ Collaboration with Fugitivehues ◦ (Hiwatari Kei)Browsing a museum catalogue, Kei becomes morbidly fascinated with a mysterious axe artwork.
Hiwatari Kei is in love with Mrs Saehara 
Silent Rejection on a Winter EveningPre-part 2: Once again, she didn't respond to his invitation…
Wrapped Gift ◦ Collab. with FugitivehuesTwo parents hang out together a few days before Christmas.
A confession without wordsMrs Saehara confronts an unimpressed Kei about their differences.
SummertimeOn a holiday with common friends, Kei has the occasion to see the most beautiful woman in a bathsuit. Sometimes, stars do align…!
AutumnKei drives Mrs Saehara back to her apartment, unable to forget or even confess that it might be the last time he'll see her.
Saehara Parents' Youth 
Feint ◦ (Inspector Saehara, Mrs Saehara)A young boy who wants to succeed in life and a stray biker girl, bound by their love for bickering.
The Princess in the Tower ◦ Collaboration with FugitivehuesTo rescue his "princess" from Argentine, Dark’s host has made an alliance with Satoshi. But he’ll face the artwork on his own terms!

1 058 words

Order & Chaos

CharactersBaku, Towa, Argentine
TagsSlice of Life, Developing Friendships, Canon - Manga
SummaryIf Towa and Argentine follow a quiet status quo, Baku is eager to support Daisuke and refuses to just clean and wait. But assisting his tamer in the Niwa family's ultimate quest first requires convincing the other artworks that they can help too!

DNAngel Fan Events

2022DNAngel Secret SantaOrganiser, Graphics & Pinch Hitter
2022DNcalendarGraphics, Writer, Edit maker & Artist
2022Bonds ZineMod & Writer
2021Discord “Movie Night” EventOrganiser, Graphics & Pinch Hitter 
2021Discord Summer EventWriter & Artist
2021Avril Art WeekOrganiser, Graphics & Writer
2019DNAnniversaryOrganiser & Edit maker
2018DNAnniversaryEdit maker
2017DNAngel 20th AnniversaryWriter & Artist
2016DNAdventOrganiser & Artist